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Funding and Operational Resources

Stay informed on funding, grants and opportunities in Arkansas.

Arkansans for the Arts encourages creatives, nonprofits and businesses to collaborate and support the creative economy. Below is a list of potential resources to fund your creative practices, programs and initiatives. 

Arkansas Reports on COVID-19

Other National Resources

Alliance for Artists Communities

American Alliance for Theatre and Education

Americans for the Arts

Arts Education Partnership

Chorus America: Resources for Going Virtual

Creative Capital: Artist Resource Page

The Conference Board: Programs

DonorPerfect: Fundraising

Educational Theatre Association

The Heritage Emergency National Task Force: COVID-19 Resource Hub

International City/County Management Association (ICMA)

International Council of Fine Arts Deans

National Alliance of Community Economic Development Associations (NACEDA): resource page for community development nonprofits and the associations that serve them

National Association for Music Educators

National Assembly of State Arts Agencies: Resource page for State Arts Agencies

National Association of Counties: Preparing to Reopen America's Counties

The NAMM Foundation: Tools and Resources for Teaching and Learning Music Online

National Dance Education Organization

National Conference of State Legislatures

National Governors Association

National Guild for Community Arts Education

National League of Cities

National Lieutenant Governors Association

RuralOrganizing: Resources for Rural Civic Leaders

Salsa Labs: Resource Page for nonprofits with webinars, blogs and financial resources

Teaching Artist Guild

United States Conference of Mayors

Western Governors’ Association

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